Safety in Manufacturing and Industrie 2030 Synopsis
Bel-Con Design-Builders Ltd. is proud to bring you presentations from SafeStart and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.
We all know the importance of safety in the manufacturing environment. With this in mind, we encourage you to attend Electrolab-Safestart's 'Safety in Manufacturing' breakfast presentation!
Electrolab Training School – Safety Training
We are proud to have SafeStart enlighten us with the concepts SafeStart teaches to reduce injuries that affect all key performance indicators within a manufacturing environment.
24/7 Safety Leadership
Safestart has found that 95% of workplaces experience at least 1 of these 6 safety points:

- Recurring Injuries
- Lack of Employee Engagement
- Stalled Lost Time Accident Rate
- Lacklustre Safety Culture
- Employee's Taking Shortcuts & Ignoring Safety Mandates
- Clash Between Production & Safety within the Manufacturing Industry
Industrie 2030 – Manufacturing Growth, Innovation & Prosperity for Canada!

We are honoured to have Mathew Wilson, Senior Vice President of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to present a synopsis of their recent 'Industrie 2030 Summit' in Ottawa. The goal of CME is to double manufacturing output & value added exports by 2030.
When: Thursday, December 1, 2016
Where: Electrolab, 631 College Street East, Belleville
Agenda: Continental Breakfast & Networking: 7:30 – 8 AM
Seminar Presentations & Facility Tour: 8 – 9:30 AM